Ellen on Jeopardy!
Ellen is a contestant on Jeopardy! Her first episisode airs on May 22, 2024.
Ellen is a contestant on Jeopardy! Her first episisode airs on May 22, 2024.
Ellen’s most recent novel, Out of Left Field, has won the prestigious Children’s History Book Prize for 2019.
For full details, see the press release.
Out of Left Field is a finalist for the prestigious Children’s History Book Prize. You can read more about it on the Dimenna Children’s History Museum website.
Passing Strange won the 2018 Gaylactic Spectrum Award.
Passing Strange won the World Fantasy Award for Long Fiction.
Passing Strange has won the British Fantasy Award for Best Novella!
Check this space for news, antics, musings, show-and-tell, and sharing of odd photos, posted at random, or as events unfold.